• EasyQC
    An interactive offline GUI based pipeline tool for
    NGS Data Quality filtering.


Interactive GUI

A hassle-free tool for non-Programmers to do quality filtering for NGS Data


Available for both Windows and Linux platforms.

Pipeline Execution of Filtering Analysis

Various filtering options are executed as pipeline.

Graphical Outputs

Various basic graphical outputs for NGS Data.


EasyQC has a pipeline with options to filter sequences based on sequence quality quality, length, ambiguous base and homopolymers.

Graphical output

EasyQC provides graphical output for next generation sequencing data. The Graphical output contains Quality distribution, Length distribution, Base composition, GC Percentage.

Other options

EasyQC enables you to convert FASTQ file to FASTA file. It also provides an option to carry out merging of paired end reads. Adapter trimming can also be performed using EasyQC.



Please click here to download Windows version

Please click here to download Linux version


R. Vijaya Raghavan
Project Scientist -I,
Marine Biotechnology division,
Ocean Science and Technology for Islands group,
National Institute of Ocean Technology,
Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India.
Email: vijayar@niot.res.in